July 2021 - Mars 2022

Estimmo is an online platform that allows the visualisation of the average price per square meter of houses and flats in France. In addition, the application can provide a rough estimate of the value of a house or flat.
The site features a C# backend (ASP.NET Web API) with PostgreSQL (PostGIS) and a React TypeScript frontend with Mapbox. The web application is responsive and usable on mobile, but there is also a native Android application.
This project was done with a group for my final year at ISEN.
July 2021 - Today

Remala is an online product, ingredient and supplier databasing service for label generation and printing aimed at food outlets based in the United Kingdom. The service was created to respond to a demand for an automated label printing system after the implementation of Natasha's Law that came into effect on the 1st of October 2021. Natasha's Law requires all food outlets to provide full ingredient lists with clear allergen labelling on Pre Packed for Direct Sale foods (PPDS). PPDS is food that is prepared, prepacked and offered or sold to consumers on the same premises.
While a colleague designed an API and printing program, I worked on a web interface allowing users to easily view, filter, search, create, edit and delete their products, ingredients and suppliers (cf. screenshots above). Food outlets will be able to list the allergens present in their ingredients then create products composed of these ingredients. For each product a label clearly listing the allergens following the Natasha's Law guidelines will be generated which they will be able to print off and place on the product.
The web interface is developed using the Vue.js 3.0 framework, a tried and tested open source Javascript framework for user interfaces and single page applications. The project makes use of the Typescript superset of Javascript to allow for more reliable and error-free code base. In addition, the project employs a large set of strict lint rules using the ESlint code analysis tool for a more consistent and easy to read code to simplify future evolutions.

Réseau Produit en Bretagne
Sept. 2019 - Today

Produit en Bretagne (Produced in Brittany) is a company that aims to promote Breton companies and their products, primarily via the use of the Produit en Bretagne logo.
Réseau Produit en Bretagne is a large group of projects consisting mainly of a web application and a mobile application intended to be used by members of the Produit en Bretagne network. The web application is used by and large by members to apply for the rights to affix the Produit en Bretagne logo on a specific product and for that product to be displayed on the public www.produitenbretagne.bzh website. This is done through a large form in which the member company gives the general information about the product (name, type, use, photos of packaging, nutritional values for food products, etc.) and also the justification for why they believe the product should be allowed to wear the Produit en Bretagne logo (origin of raw materials, reasons for using foreign materials, location of creation, etc.). But this is not the only functionnality that Réseau Produit en Bretagne offers, the web application allows member companies to list their stores, their guided tours, their testimonials and their promotions amongst others that will be displayed on the public www.produitenbretagne.bzh website and/or on the members mobile application. The other side of the web application is the admin panel, which allows administrators to accept or deny product logo requests, organize and manage contests, organize and manage events, etc.
The Produit en Bretagne web application uses the Angular framework with the Typescript superset. The Application Programming Interface is written in Node.js using the Express library to handle HTTP requests and the Sequelize Object-Relational Mapping library as an interface with a MySQL database. The mobile application is written using the Ionic SDK allowing Angular to run on mobile and therefore reducing the number of different technologies used across the projects. The group of projects also includes the maintenance of a smaller legacy Angular JS application and the Wordpress/PHP public website.
I started work on this project as the secondary developer during my 3 year apprenticeship at ZIP/BeAble. At the time, the project had already been released so my work consisted mainly of maintenance and evolution, notably the evolution of the product logo request form, the creation of a gateway between the API and the public Wordpress website and the creation of the contests functionality.

July. - Sept. 2021Envestboard is a SaaS platform allowing for fund selection, risk management and distribution. Taking the form of a web application, it allows customers to search and filter funds by several specific criteria, test and compare funds and portfolios in different market cycles to identify risks and automate the monitoring of funds and trace their evolution. Users are also able to simulate scenarios to measure and anticipate the impact of a possible events on funds or portfolios.
The Envestboard web application is written with the Angular framework using the Typescript superset and makes use of librairies such as NGXS for state management and Apache Echarts for graph display. The project also uses a Storybook making development easier by isolating components.
I was brought in on this project near the beginning, my work consisted of breaking down the project into components with my colleagues then developing and integrating them into the Storybook. I worked in particular on the graphs, parsing data from the API into something readable by Apache Echarts